We went for a few days to Berlin to see our friends from Arizona on their first tour in Europe.
After a good hip-hop concert at Tommyhaus, we still had a couple of hours the following day to show them a few obvious places in Berlin as Checkpoint Charlie and a still remaining part of ‘the wall’. (Very,very different from what we saw way back in 1985!)

Shining Soul’s tour calender
Shining Soul at Tommyhaus, Berlin, 18-06-2015
The link to this album: Shining Soul at Tommyhaus (Berlin).
I have neglected this part of my site for quite a while, so in this post I’ll catch up with the 7 albums (4 festivals) I’ve published in the last few months.
(In reversed order: last published first)
On 26 and 27 Sep. Massprod organised its ‘Festiv’a la mass’ festival in Rennes. Up to now I’ve published albums of two groups: InnerTerrestrials (UK) and Sensa Yuma (UK/Spain).

InnerTerrestrial at Festiv’a la mass
The link to this album: Festiv’a la Mass II.

Sensa Yuma at Festiv’a la mass
The link to this album: Festiv’a la Mass.
Although the name ‘Les Tanneries’ (a squat in Dijon) was quite familiar to me – a lot of welknown bands played there – for some reason or another, I had never been there. This time, with InnerTerrestrials – very good friends of me – I didn’t miss the opportunity.

InnerTerrestrial at Les Tanneries
The link to this album: Les Tanneries, Dijon.
In the beginning of July I’ve made a trip to the UK to attend two festivals (and see quite a few friends). The first one was the Surplus festival in Wales (Builth Wells), the second the ‘Priddy Folk festival’ in Priddy,Sommerset.

InnerTerrestrials at the Surplus festival
The link to this album: Surplus Festival, July 2014.

Spanner at the Surplus festival
The link to this album: Surplus Festival, Wales.

Firepit Collective at the Priddy Folk Festival
The link to this album: Priddy Folk Festival 2014
The Mamm Douar festival at St. Nolf (near Vannes in Morbihand – Brittany). The American group ‘Outernational’ made a excellent performance there.

Outernational at Mamm Douar, 28 June 2014
The link to this album: Outernational at Mamm Douar.
Recently I’ve been to the ‘Unpleasant Meeting’ festival at Ivry sur Seine (Paris) and the next day – 2 May 2014 – to the first day of the Zikenstock festival at Le Cateau-Cambrésis (59), near the Belgium border. I’ve put three ‘Zikenstock’ albums (Inner, The Decline + Justine and The Offenders) and one ‘Unpleasant Meeting’ album (Inner + ViceSquad) on this site. You will find the links under the pictures.

InnerTerrestrial at Zikenstock, May 2014
The link to this album: InnerTerrestrials (UK) at Zikenstock.

Justine at Zikenstock, May 2014
The link to this album: The Decline (Rennes) and Justine (Nantes) at Zikenstock.

The Offenders (UK) at Zikenstock, May 2014
The link to this album: The Offenders (UK) at Zikenstock.

InnerTerrestrial at Unpleasant Meeting, May 2014
The link to this album: Inner and ViceSquad (UK) at Unpleasant Meeting.
Another concert @ Bitche last Thursday night: a support show for Brenda Norrell.
(She, a professional journalist, writes about Native American topics on her blog – Censored News – that are censored/banned/ignored in the mainstream media. She really deserves our support. If you are French: a lot of her articles are translated in French by Christine Prat)
The concert started with a surprising performance from ‘Les mains froides’.
A one man show – cap, mask, ‘blood’ all over – playing the drums accompanied by the sound/music produced by a couple of electronic devices (see picture below).
And then, there was Haymarket: an excellent performance, one of the very best I’ve ever seen/heard of them! And, according to the very enthousiastic response of the audiance, I was not the only one to think so.
Next, the DJ ‘Fraulein Flo Soundcloud’ provided an appropriate ending for this concert.
With only two big spots, placed on the floor – opposite to each other – photography was really quite a ‘challenge’. Nevertheless, I tried: click here to see the pictures .

Les Mains Froides @ Bitche, 13 Mar. 2014

Haymarket @ Bitche, 13 Mar. 2014
For quite some time shop windows regularly attract my – photographic – attention. I’ve put a number of those pictures in a new album “Les mannequins”.

Paris, Nov. 2014
After the initial album of Klee’s tour in France, I’ve added two more albums of his tour. The first one contains the pictures of the benefit show by Haymarket at La Wardine (La Zad, ‘Non à l’aeroport’). The second album “Concerts” is about the other concerts organized to support Klee’s projects back home (by CSIA/Nitassinan, Collectif Contre Culture and the music bands Haymarket, La Fraction, Gerk, Les Ramoneurs de Menhirs and Slim Paddy).

Haymarket playing at La Wardine

Jimbo Simmons (AIM), Sylvain Duez-Alessandrini (CSIA) and Klee Benally (album ‘Concerts’)
Klee, Navajo – originally from Black Mesa, relocated to Flagstaff (Arizona) – is an activist and musician; moreover, he makes beautiful traditional jewelry. For him (lead-singer/guitarist from the former Navajo punk rock group Blackfire) the music has always been a tool for his activism.
More info about Klee and his activities:
indigenous action media
traditional jewelry
Invited by CSIA/Nitassinan for their Internationaly Day of Solidarity in Paris, Klee and his wife Princess came to France recently: a short tour with debates, conferences and music to promote his activities.
In this album, click here, I have put some pictures from Klee during his music shows.
(I intend to publish shortly more pictures of his tour in another album – especially of the music groups who supported Klee during his tour with benefit shows (Haymarket, La Fraction, Gerk and Les Ramoneurs de Menirs)

Klee at Le Transfo, squat in Montreuil
Haymarket is certainly one of my favourite bands. Apart from the 5 albums on this site,
I have also put a slideshow with music from this group and two links to videos by Christine Prat (click here).
To see the pictures I took at ‘Vive le Punk’, click here).

Haymarket @ Vive le Punk
Recently I spend a few days in Brest (Finistère, France). As a submarine base, Brest got distroyed during the Second World War. Rebuiding the city after the war, the political signature of the municipality in those days became quite obvious to me: strolling around the center, it reminded me strongly to East-Berlin where I’ve been in the mid-eighties (see picture below).
All the pictures in this album have been taken with a 15mm wide angle lens: most of them on the Fuji XE-1 (where – with its APS-C sensor – it has the angle of view of a super wide 22mm), some on my Zeiss Ikon rangefinder where it is a real 15mm ultra wide lens (angle of view: 110°).

Click here to see the pictures .
InnerTerrestrials was for a mini-tour in the Nantes region with Martin the drummer replacing Paco (still health problems).
I went to their gig at La Motte aux Cochons (St. Hilaire de Chaléon).
I left a few pictures in colour so you can enjoy the exotic shirts Fran and Jay were wearing.
Here is the link to the photos.